Japanese Setsubun is February 3rd “Demons out, good fortune in!” (Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi鬼は外福は内) The cry is heard in every corner of Japan.
Japanese children chase demons from the home on Setsubun. How? They chant “Demons out, good fortune in!” by throwing roasted soybeans at a parent wearing a red “oni” mask. The Setsubun mild peanut-tasting beans are then enjoyed. (Usually a child’s age plus one.)
Apparently Japanese Setsubun signals the start of Spring – a time when spirits can easily slip in from other worlds. Setsubun roasted soybeans throwing at the demon-masked parent is the traditional way to clear the home of bad spirits. In Osaka, there is a time-honored tradition of eating uncut sushi hand rolls in silence. To make the sushi magic work, participants must stand facing a lucky direction. The lucky direction changes every year (and is based on a 5-year cycle.) In case you want to try this Osaka foodie tradition in 2017; eat your uncut sushi facing north-north-west. (In 2018, face south-south-east.)